Perks of Being a Hipster Parent

Living in a neighborhood where you’re ten minutes from downtown but can still hear the neighborhood roosters crowing, I never thought of myself as a hipster. Being surrounded by an upper echelon of hipsters that can put Portlandia characters to shame, I usually feel pretty square. Sure, I do quite a bit of canning from my very exclusive CSA produce, we are more likely to buy a sixth bike or third longboard than a second car, I’m slowly replacing all of our everyday dishes with local pottery, and I’ve cross-stitched in a brewery, but it wasn’t until I had a little hipster of my own that I’ve realized what I’m passing on.

And I love it.

The perks of being a hipster parent seem endless. Even if you do not self-identify as a hipster (which is actually criteria for being a hipster, so who knows really), the hipster lifestyle can be something any parent can dip into as desired and benefit from.

[Kombucha keeps public transit hipster kids happy.]

You get to hang out in breweries and don’t have to worry about forgetting a sippy cup because your toddler is more interested in kombucha on tap anyway. She’d rather have a LaCroix over juice, so toss one of those in her diaper bag and we’re good to go.

Hipsters love to see little hipsters in the making, so your little ones get smiles at every rally, outdoor concert, and local coffee shop. There’s probably a craft project, box of vintage wooden toys, and at least one feminist themed kids book for them too.

The best hipster restaurants put organic blueberries in front of your kid before you even get their coat off and point out the local children’s author bookcase. The kids’ menu almost looks better than yours and the noodles and pesto or cheese and chicken nuggets are of course freshly made from scratch.

None of the parents think it’s weird that you’re wearing a stocking cap at the playground outside of winter when you didn’t feel like washing your hair. If it’s hand-knitted, expect all the compliments.

All of the co-op grocery stores in town have baskets of free organic and washed fruit for kids as you walk in. Gnawing on a giant apple or pear keeps them and their grabby hands busy usually until checkout

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