About Me

Hi! Howdy! ‘Sup?!

Photo credit Molly Combs

The first thing you should know about me is that it is painfully difficult for me to keep this About Me stuff under 1000 words. Just channel that into your posts and save these people some time. Good idea.

I grew up in Missouri, 85% suburb kid, 15% city kid, with lots of camping and road trips sprinkled throughout. After four mostly unsuccessful years of college painfully spread over five years I popped into Minnesota for a little break and ended up finding my people and my home, though I dearly miss my family back “home”. My husband grew up in the mountains and desert of southern California plus some western states bouncing after high school before also finding his happy place in Minneapolis. Our daughter is growing up in our city apartment we’ve been attached to for 10 years, so far. We have another one on the way who will also get some time here until we find that perfect house hopefully very close by.

Before leaving the workforce for homeforce (word patent pending) I was in college and working my way into the conservation technician field after leaving a twelve year career as an optician and optometric technician. Although those were both passions of mine and still are, I’ve always known I had too many other interests to be a committed to a “real job”. Call me a control freak, but I also always knew that if I became a parent I was going to have 24/7 access to their development, at least until school which I’m trying really hard to not also do myself.

If I’m not hiking, camping, biking, traveling, cooking, baking, gardening, playing or napping with the baby, trying a new brewery or restaurant, taking my family to some local event, or getting together with our family of close friends, then I’m home planning to do one of those things. Oh, and writing! Obviously.

Photo credit Woodford Sisters with Twin Cities Moms Blog

Thank you for reading and please comment at will! Connection and conversation is really the best hope we have.